Cindy Live

Harry Allen Design Cindy Allen, Editor in Chief of Interior Design Magazine, interviews Harry Allen (mid-pandemic) on Instagram Live on January 12th 2021. Harry Talks about his latest projects including Applied Portraiture, Supernet, and the Topographic Planters, his collaboration with Landscape Designer John Holm. For more information, and to catch Cindy’s live interviews, follow @interiordesignmag and @thecindygram […]

Driven By Design

Harry Allen

Coalesse Global Design Director John Hamilton takes to the streets of NYC with industrial designer Harry Allen in this episode of Driven by Design. The pair talk Manufacturing 4.0, the culture of American making and more as they traverse the busy streets of Manhattan.

Club & Casa Home

Harry Allen Design

In August 2019, Harry was honored as Designer of The Year at Boom SP, and annual design festival in Sao Paulo, Brazil and Club&Casa Home magazine ran this feature article.


Designer Harry Allen Talks NYCxDesign

Harry Allen | New York Social Diary

Harry Allen

If you don’t necessarily know who Harry Allen is, you’ve seen at least one of his designs somewhere—most likely the realistic piglet piggy bank cast in a variety of materials or the fruit bowl shaped like a bunch of bananas. These products from his “Reality” line represent just one set of his ideas—there’s much more to his […]

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