Sorry for the lapse, but I literally was in the jungle. More on that later, but I wanted to finish up my last day in Mexico City, as it was filled with Design and beautiful things.
I started my day at the Luis Barragan Museum. He was a genius of proportion and color, and it was inspiring to see the work in person. I also found out that he was a “confirmed bachelor.” I was only allowed to take a few pictures – this image is of the roof where he would go and contemplate the heavens.
I was most struck by his manipulation of light. The complex hue in the stairwell leading to the roof is created when light passes through yellow glass and an orange door. The house is massive and one could easily imagine oneself living there. It is not cold or academic, it’s a living beauty.
My second stop was the Gilardi House. Another Barragan creation, designed for another “confirmed bachelor,” photographer friend. There are pics of them hanging out with David Hockney. The couple that owns it now gives tours, and inherited it with all the furnishings. The pool in the dining room is just spectacular – like a painting of light and color.
Then I went with my new friend, Cornelia Hentschel, a fellow workshop leader, for an amazing bowl of Pozole at a restaurant I found on It was the real deal, with a shot of mezcal in it and all.
I spent the afternoon at the very impressive Museo de Archiologie. I ran through it, so don’t quiz me, but it gave me a great overview of the various Mexican civilizations. The visuals are mesmerizing.
So far, what I love most about Mexico is the mysticism that permeates life, art and culture. From the Mayan cultures to present day, the people here live close to their dreams. It was too late when I shot shot this street art – a huge, magical, twisted image that loom over Reforma – but it sums up what I have found so inspirational.
Dinner was also amazing, at Azul where they were having a molé festival. Then off to bed; we leave early tomorrow for the workshop in the jungle.