Mexico: Day 3
Sorry for the lapse, but I literally was in the jungle. More on that later, but I wanted to finish up my last day in Mexico City, as it was filled with Design and beautiful things. I started my day at the Luis Barragan Museum. He was a genius of proportion and color, and it was […]
Mexico: Day 2
This morning I spoke at the Industrial Design College at UNAM, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. I showed my work and talked a bit about what I hope to accomplish on the Mayan Workshop. The school is just beautiful – a classic industrial design program with equipment to match. It is arranged around courtyards so each […]
Mexico: Day 1
I arrived in Mexico City yesterday for the Mayan Design Workshop. I will be leading a workshop in the jungle next week, but we will start here in Mexico City with a talk at UNAM, the school sponsoring the project. I had the afternoon and evening free to roam. I love Mexico City. Its low there […]