Applied Portraiture

Each unique Applied Portrait, is scanned from life, and created using cutting-edge technology.

The first collection, launched at Design Miami in 2019, is called Portrait Vessels. The project references portraiture, from classical busts to selfies, and employs decorative arts typologies often associated with human form. On offer are Portrait Vases, Portrait Coin Banks, and Portrait Urns

Applied portraiture
A grouping of Applied Portraits created for Design Miami 2019

For most portraits the subject must sit for the artist, but for Applied Portraits, the subject must sit for the scanner. Facial geometry is captured via structured light scanning. After the subject is scanned, vessels can be further customized with glazes and finishes. Vessels are produced in 3D printed ceramic. Production takes about 16 weeks.

Piggy Bank and life-cast
A Portrait Bank of the designer's friend, Steve Henry, alongside Bank in the Form of a Pig

The resulting object is an exact likeness of its subject, although through the process the form is stylized. Details like wrinkles are (thankfully) lost, but shape and proportion remain exact.

Vases and coin banks have a long tradition of being bust-shaped, but the vases and coin banks of the Portrait Vessels series are objective copies of their subjects. The added function can be poetic. Portrait Coin Banks encourage people to invest in themselves, or save for the future of a loved one. Portrait Vases present endless opportunities to adorn one’s self. And the Portrait Urns, perhaps the most provocative offering, are reminders to live each day to the fullest. Portrait Urns are modeled after classical busts and double as a final resting place. Harry notes: “all of these objects are a chance to commemorate people, and they will last long after we are gone.”

Harry Allen Design
Design & Decoration
A Portrait Vase of our friend, Felicia Franklin, in a metallic black vase, takes on different moods with each arrangement.
Harry Allen Design
Harry Allen
A Portrait Urn Harry created of himself
Cathy as vase and her child Arden as bank.

To arrange to see Portrait Vessels in person, or for pricing and options please email [email protected]

Cindy Allen, Editor in Chief of Interior Design Magazine, interviews Harry Allen (mid-pandemic) on Instagram Live on January 12th 2021. Harry Talks about his latest projects including Applied Portraiture, Supernet, and the Topographic Planters, his collaboration with Landscape Designer John Holm. For more information, and to catch Cindy’s live interviews, follow @interiordesignmag and @thecindygram on instagram.


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