Contextual innovation best describes Harry’s approach to the renovation of his 1840s-era country retreat in Bedford, New York. Formerly a single room schoolhouse, the building has a history worthy of respect. Harry kept this in mind as he put his modern imprint on the project.

Harry Allen Dining Room

Fascinated by the idea of material and color envelopment, he brought this concept to each room of the house. In the dining room, the attic was eliminated to make way for a cathedral ceiling. The entire space was clad in red oak, a material found throughout the original house. 

Harry Allen Kitchen Design

The color gray covers nearly every surface of the kitchen including the floor, cabinetry, countertops, wainscoting, and stainless steel appliances.

Interior & furniture Design
Arc in Times Square

 The living room takes its cue from the existing brown wood floor and becomes very dark. A cool retreat from the summer sun, it also provides a warm and cozy feeling in the winter.

Harry Allen Entrance

To ease the transition from inside to outside, the foyer is blue. The same Pennsylvania bluestone found throughout the grounds is honed to a fine finish and covers the floor.

Filled with modern classics and contemporary furnishings of Harry’s design, this historical building is ushered into the 21st century.

Harry Allen Bed Design
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